Ongoing Projects
Agricultural Business Initiative (aBi) – Development (April 2024)
Consultancy services to undertake a feasibility study and design agri-machinery custom hire Centres across the country. The consultancy involved assessing the financial viability of establishing an agri-machinery Hire Centre in the different regions of the country (Northern, Eastern, Western, and central regions) and developing models of agri-machinery custom hire centers in all regions with cash contributions by operators (Cooperatives and private firms, and with support from aBi
EA: Soil and water conservation interventions in SW Uganda
African Plant Nutrition Institute & Makerere University 2023
Consultancy services on developing an agro-mechanized and agro-input value chain business model under a project ‘Enhancement of rice productivity through adaptation of climate-smart agricultural options and market responsive business strategies in Uganda’. Project Area in Kikuube and Hoima districts funded by OCP/APNI. With this 13 demonstration plots were set up in the different villages of Kikuube Town Council in Kikuube District in the Albertine region for now four seasons from 2022 (August to December) to 2024 (March to June). The project is ongoing in season 2024 (August to December) with three demonstration plots replicated onsite with the introduction of organic fertilizers.
Formation of the farmer cooperative (KIDEFA COOPERATIVE) to enhance the production of rice while focusing on the market responsive business strategies in line with access to insurance, financial, transportation, and agro-input services.

Completed Projects


Environment Alert (2021-2022)
Providing consultancy Services on building the Capacity of Community Members and Extension Workers in the Construction of Soil and Water Conservation Trenches and Associated Planting of Plants/Tree Species (southwestern Uganda) with several community works with farmers. Funded by Environment Alert/MWE.

Ministry of Water & Environment (MWE): (2020-2021)
On-farm Income Enhancement and Forestry Conservation Program – Project2 (MWE) for Consultancy Services for Training of Farmers in Irrigated Agronomy, Soil and Land Improvements, In Lot 2: Tochi Irrigation Scheme, In Oyam District. Funded by the African Development Bank (ADB)

Ministry of Water and Environment (EURECA Project) as Associate management consultants (2019- 2020)
Preparing and Implementing Plans and Designs for Water Harvesting and Flood Control Structures, Biophysical Conservation Structures, and Training Communities in Aswa Catchment, funded by MWE (GoU)

Ministry of Water & Environment (LEAF II Project) 2019-2020
Development of River Mitano Catchment Management Plan and training of catchment management committee. MWE/WSDFSW/SRVCS/17-18/00015.

Lake Victoria Basin: Associate consultants

Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP)/Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)
Feasibility Study and Preparation of an integrated Watershed Management Program and Investment proposal for Sio Malaba-Malakisi Sub Basin.

DAAD/GERMAN Based Almuni


CNOOC Oil Company
Project on Livelihood Restoration 2018-19. Consultancy services for the Provision of Consulting Services for Livelihood Restoration Programs with CNOOC - the licensed operator for the Kingfisher Development Area, Hoima, Uganda

CNOOC Oil Company
Project on Livelihood Restoration 2018-19. Consultancy services for the Provision of Consulting Services for Livelihood Restoration Programs with CNOOC - the licensed operator for the Kingfisher Development Area, Hoima, Uganda